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Earn $150 Every 4 Minutes FROM GOOGLE FREE (Make Money Online)

Earn $150 Every 4 Minutes FROM GOOGLE

let me ask you a question have you ever used google do you know whgoogle is and do you know that you can make a lot of money on google in this video i will show you exactly how you can make 220 over and over again in just minutes all you have to do is just go on to this brand new website and use this brand new google trick that i will be teaching you in this video by following and incorporating these steps you can make hundreds and hundreds of dollars every single day now for some of you guys i know that you're coming from all over the world don't worry this opportunity works worldwide and they pay you in many different payment methods they cover paypal payoneer paytm skrill and bank transfers remember to stay tuned and watch up until the end of this video since i will show you how to get free bonus money when you sign up and this is gonna be a brand new website that i've never seen anyone cover i will also show you how to set the ultimate google settings this is a google trick that i will be teaching you if you apply this strategy you can make three times more money compared to other people so make sure that you don't miss out on this special trick that i will be showing you in this video but before we start welcome to finance girl where we teach you how to make money online the simplest way make sure to subscribe to this channel and don't forget to click on the notification bell so whenever we upload a new video on how to make money online you will be updated and you can start making things happen also please give this video a big thumbs up and if ever you have any concerns questions or opinions about the video don't be shy and just leave a comment down below now let's get back to the video now the first step that you need to do if you want to create hundreds and hundreds of dollars all through the use of google is you need to open this website called shrinkme.io shrinkme shrinkme.io is a url shortener website that can pay you up to 220 dollars per 10 000 views if you want to see if this website is legit and real you can see and open this payment option proof you can see and open this payment proof tab on the upper side of the website here and you will see all of the real-time payments they pay their users you can see that they do not miss out on any of the payments and they pay through different payment methods you can also see how much they have paid their users in real time now there are three easy steps you need to do on this website to start earning money now the first step is to create and sign up for your account next is you need to start shortening your links and share these links with other people and i will be teaching you how to do this later on in the video and the last and final step is you just need to earn your money now there is a catch i need you to listen closely and carefully to this video since this will only work if you do it right and i will be teaching you that now if you want to sign up for a free account just go on and hover your mouse to this top right hand corner and you're gonna see this register button just click on this link and then you just have to register for a brand new membership now once you sign up for a free account you instantly get one dollar for free this is a signup bonus and then once you make five dollars you can begin cashing out your money i'll teach you exactly how you can make money right now starting today by using my google trick method there are payouts daily this is exactly why i love this website because there are other websites where you can use the same method to make money but they pay out every other week this website will pay out daily and they cover a lot of different payment methods now if you guys are coming from different countries around the world you can receive your payment on this website and again their minimum payment is just five dollars it becomes very easy once you make five dollars you can begin cashing out money into whatever payment method that you want so now here how it works the method that we are going to be using on this website is we're gonna go on to youtube and we will find a video a very specific video and we're gonna get a link of that video and then we're gonna come back to this website and we will paste the link on this bar we are going to shorten this link once you shorten the url link you are then going to share this link to different platforms and then every single time people click on your link you are going to make money now let me show you different payment rates that you will receive if people from greenland will click on your link you are going to earn 22 dollars for every 1 000 views if you get people from the united states to click on your link you will earn 10 now you are gonna see different countries click on your link and you can earn different types of money that's the reason why you want to combine the google trick because if people from greenland click on your link the most amount of money you can earn per 1000 views is 22 so right now on this video i want to cover how you can find the best video on youtube because if you find a bad video you will not make a lot of money i'll teach you how you can find the best video and then we're gonna come on to this website to shorten the link once we get a shortened link we're gonna go on to google and use a very special trick to multiply your money and make a lot of money with this method i'm excited to show you the entire system if you guys are enjoying this video don't forget to smash the like button and subscribe to the channel now let's get back to the video now we're gonna go on to youtube now the best performing videos that i've ever seen are all about weight loss in this world so many people want to learn how to lose weight so the best videos are going to be weight loss videos so when you go on to youtube you're going to type in weight loss videos and then you're gonna click on this filter and then you're gonna click on this week now we're gonna find the best performing video this week because there are brand new fresh content as you can see here and then you're gonna find the highest viewed video for example this one what you should do next is just click on this video and then on top of that you're gonna see this this is the link to the video you're gonna click on this link and then just copy it right now we're gonna go to shrinkme.io and then we're gonna paste the link right here on this tab and then once we paste the link you just have to click on this button once you click on the button they're gonna give you a shortened link as you can see here so what you can do is just click on this highlight them and again you're gonna copy this link for later right now what you can do is go back to google so we're going to find forums weight loss forums what you're going to do is you're going to type in the keyword weight loss forum and then search when we use this strategy you're going to find a lot of different forums where you can share the link because usually people who want to lose weight they're gonna hang out and find different forums to join different discussions and find different tips to lose weight so what you're gonna do is that you're gonna join one of these forums for example this one now this is just one of the examples that i want to show you you can find hundreds of different forums by just using google but again make sure you stay tuned to the end of this video because i'll show you the number one trick on how you can get people from greenland to click on your link so that you can make more money as you can see here if you get people from let's say sweden you just have to make five dollars but if you can get people from greenland you'll make four times more money this is crazy i'll show you exactly how to do this in just a moment let's go back to the forum once you go on to the forum usually you can just sign up and register for free so for example in this forum just click on this register button and then you have to fill out your information what i recommend you do is you don't use your real name use a fake name and a username and then sign up for an account you can repeat the same thing on many different forums the more forums you can find the more links that you can share out there and the more people are gonna click on your link but again there is one big problem because when you use this method you can get people from different countries to click on your link but how can we focus and find more people from greenland more people from ireland and the united states so that we can make more money this is the secret tactic that i want to show you when you do a different search on google what you're going to do is you're going to click on this setting so i went to click on settings and you're gonna find the advanced search click on that and then right here you're gonna see this region the region you want to filter them on for example greenland by doing that you can find a lot of forums specifically in greenland and then you just repeat the same method and that's how you can get a lot of people from greenland to click on your link but again unfortunately the forum that's available in greenland is very limited that's why the second thing that you can do is that you can do it in ireland or in the united states again you can go back to google and just go back to the settings and over the region just find what country you want you can repeat the same method again and again you can find different weight loss videos on youtube and again this is 100 legal this is ethical to use and you will not get punished or penalized because you are not reposting or re-uploading other people's videos instead you are sharing other people's videos this is one method to use the google trick because you can get very very focused and specialized in a location to make more money on this rate right here but again you can use a lot of different methods to share this link for example you can share this link on youtube you can do it on youtube comments or for example you can do it on facebook on different social media platforms that you have now the more people that click on your link the more money you're gonna make so this is exactly how all of these people are making money from all over the world people are doing this every single day
Earn $150 Every 4 Minutes FROM GOOGLE FREE (Make Money Online) Earn $150 Every 4 Minutes FROM GOOGLE FREE (Make Money Online) Reviewed by Pro News On Item on August 02, 2021 Rating: 5

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